
Product vs project the narrative

Τech companies, they build products or projects. They both might bring in fuel to get them going; however, apart from making money, what’s the vision? That's usually a good question to ask when trying to differentiate product and project 🧬DNA companies.

Posted December 27, 2022 by ntemposd ‐ 4 min read

The technical literacy of a PM

Product Manager, a role right in the intersection of business and tech that needs both technical and business skills to get things going. But, does it really need technical skills? Some! You don't need to be an engineer but... 🤿 let's dive deep.

Posted June 24, 2022 by ntemposd ‐ 4 min read

A minimum viable business plan

Does your brilliant billion dollar idea compile into a sustainable business? Do you really need this funding now? We are in 2049 and you are building a Spacecraft 🚀. How a minimum viable business plan might look like?

Posted February 5, 2017 by ntemposd ‐ 5 min read